09/14/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Arrival in Arizona


Phoenix, AZ


  1. That made me so happy to see him in my home town.

    Was that Sky Harbor near Washington Street?

    I hope someone made him a good meal!

    Keep America Great! 2020

  2. Дональд, враги Обама Сорос и гомосексуалисты провели диверсию против Украины.
    Они оплатили и устроили в Харькове и других городах Украины , ЛГБТ авто пробег пропаганды.
    Подобные акции вызывают гнев Божий, как мы видим на Содом и Гомора и Флориде которая горит три года подряд, огонь гнева распространяется и на другие штаты.
    Учитывая ту угрозу для Украины которую в себе несет пропаганда гомосексуализм, я обязан реагировать на диверсию Обамы. Который хочет подставить Украину и население Украины под удар.

    В ближайшее время пострадает 100 миллионов американцев. Дональд, 100 миллионов американцев понесут ответственность за действия Обамы в Украины!


  4. Pennsylvania has been opened up for awhile our Governor did open slowly but we didn’t have to close everything back he closed the nightclubs and bars and that was only if they didn’t have a meal with their meal but it’s been almost a month and all bars are open that are in my area

  5. *Hidden in plain sight!*

    *A recent post on the Facebook page of British banker Evelyn de Rothschild.🏦*

    *Please scroll down and take a look for yourself.*

    *”In popular culture, a great amount of focus is placed on the Illuminati’s belief that money is not evil.*

    *Some view our encouragement of work and wealth as selfishness — overlooking the true meaning of the pyramid and it’s underlying messages that motivate our diligence.*

    *In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means for personal enrichment.Instead money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty to the advancement of the species.The greater a person’s fortune, the greater their responsibility to their fellow humans.*
    *Like the Pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them.*

    *The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the good that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.”*


  6. *POTUS*
    *Illuminati Controlled PSP!🗽🎮*
    *#PSP** -Puppet Saviour President!*

    *#Wahrheit** Macht Frei✝️*

    *Malignant Pathological Narcissist!!🗽🏦💰*


    *Henry Rollins Band*

    [Verse 1]

    *So you think you’re gonna live your life alone*
    *In darkness and seclusion*
    *Yeah I know, you’ve been out there* *and tried to mix with those animals*
    *And it just left you full of humiliated confusion*
    *So you stagger back home and wait for nothing*
    *But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the street*
    *And now you’re desperate and in need of human contact*
    *And then you meet me and your whole world changes*
    *Because everything I say is* *everything you’ve ever wanted to hear*
    *So you drop all your defenses, and you drop all your fears*
    *And you trust me completely*
    *I’m perfect in every way*
    *’Cause I make you feel so strong and so powerful inside*
    *You feel so lucky*
    *But your ego obscures reality and you never bother to wonder why things are going so well*
    *You wanna know why?*


    *’Cause I’m a liar!*
    *Yeah, I’m a liar!*
    *I’ll tear your mind out*
    *I’ll burn your soul🔥*
    *I’ll turn you into me😈*
    *I’ll turn you into me*
    *’Cause I’m a liar, a liar*
    *A liar, a liar👺*

    [Verse 2]

    *I’ll hide behind a smile*
    *And understanding eyes*
    *And I’ll tell you things that you* *already know*
    *So you can say, “I really identify *with you, so much”*
    *And all the time that you’re needing me*
    *Is just the time that I’m bleeding you!*
    *Don’t you get it yet?!*
    *I’ll come to you like an affliction*
    *But I’ll leave you like an addiction!*
    *You’ll never forget me!*
    *You wanna know why?!*


    *’Cause I’m a liar!*
    *Yeah, I’m a liar!*
    *I’ll rip your mind out*
    *I’ll burn your soul🔥🔱*
    *I’ll turn you into me👺*
    *I’ll turn you into me*
    *’Cause I’m a liar, a liar*
    *A liar, a liar*
    *Liar, liar, liar, liar!🐍*


    *I don’t know why I feel the need to lie*
    *And cause you so much pain*
    *Maybe it’s something inside*
    *Maybe it’s something I can’t explain*
    *’Cause all I do*
    *Is mess you up and lie to you*
    *I’m a liar*
    *Oh, I am a liar*

    [Verse 3]
    *But if you’ll give me just one more chance*
    *I swear that I will never lie to you again*
    *Because now I see the destructive power of a lie*
    *Is stronger than truth*
    *I can’t believe I ever hurt you*
    *I swear*
    *I will never lie to you again, please*
    *Just give me one more chance*
    *I will never lie to you again*
    *No, I swear*
    *I will never tell a lie*
    *I will never tell a lie*
    *No, no*

    *Ha ha ha ha ha ha haa!*
    *Ho ho ho ho!*
    *Oh, sucker!*
    *I am a liar!*
    *Yeah, I am a liar!*
    *Yeah, I like it! I feel good!*
    *Ohh, I am a liar!*
    *I lie, I lie, I lie!*
    *Oh, I lie!*
    *Oh, I lie! I lie!*
    *Oh, I’m a liar! I lie!*
    *Yeah, I like it! I feel good!*
    *I’ll lie again*
    *And again*
    *I’ll lie again and again*
    *And I’ll keep lying!*
    *I promise.*

    *INFJ ♾️ DOORSLAM!!!*

    *I AM*
    *I AMsterdam*

  7. I recommend to y’all jamesmalthe on telegram he’s legit and trusted he do PayPal loading both old and new accounts ..
    Also.. High hitting Cc with a balance of $4400 and Above that can be used for online payment,shopping and more at an affordable rate &Western Union transfers to all country I can vouch for him contact him for sure deal


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