Dr Tedros on the milestone of smallpox eradication and lessons learned for COVID-19 response

As we reflect today on the eradication of smallpox 40 years ago, the greatest public health triumph in history, we’re reminded of what is...

40th anniversary of smallpox eradication

On this day, the 8th of May 1980, 40 years ago, smallpox was made history. It's the only human disease to be eradicated so...

WHO Legal Counsel Derek Walton – WHO COVID-19 Daily Press briefing on 06/05/20

Derek Walton, WHO Legal Counsel, replying to a question from a journalist at the WHO Daily Press briefing on COVID-19, 06th of ...

We need health for peace and peace for health.

WHO's mission is: promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable. This means delivering #HealthForAll, everywhere, including in areas affected by war and...

WHO Principal Legal Officer Steven Solomon – WHO COVID-19 Daily Press briefing on 04/05/20

WHO Principal Legal Officer Steven Solomon replying to a question from a journalist at the WHO Daily Press briefing on COVID-19 from the 4th...

Hand Hygiene Day – “Nurses and midwives, clean care is in your hands!”

"When we keep our hands clean, we keep ourselves safe and we keep others also safe. The reason we are here together is to...

OpenWHO launches two tobacco product regulation courses

WHO expounds the importance and relevance of tobacco product regulation, in the context of wider tobacco control, in the two online courses now available...

How has WHO responded to COVID-19

The World Health Organization has long warned of the potential of disease outbreaks and pandemics to threaten the health of people all over the...

Q&A “Immunity Passports”

Some governments have suggested that the detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could serve as the basis for an...

COVID-19 Safer at Home Information in ASL

This video contains a captioned ASL version of the Safer at Home Guidance from Colorado Governor Jared Polis that began on April 27th.