Human rights: Contraception

#RightToABetterWorld episode 2 of 4: Contraception For decades, human rights-based tactics have been used to drive progress towards achieving sexual and reproductive health rights. In...

WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 – Origins of the SARS CoV-2 virus –...

Episode #21 Why is it important for scientists to look for the origins of the virus? How do scientists look at the claim that the...

Intoxicación por plomo: Cuatro cosas que debe saber sobre el plomo

El plomo es un metal tóxico cuyo uso generalizado ha causado una gran contaminación ambiental y problemas de salud en muchas partes del mundo....

Coronavirus mythbusters: Spraying and introducing bleach into your body WON’T protect you

Do not under any circumstance spray or introduce bleach or any other disinfectant into your body. These substances can be poisonous if ingested and...


安全血液拯救生命,但世界各地仍有许多人很少或根本无法获得输血服务。 这就是为什么献血者属于宝贵资源,也是为什么我们要在6月14日世界献血者日感谢他们。

Follow the journey of a vaccine

From clinic trials and emergency use listing to production, transportation, storage and final administration by local health workers – follow the journey of a...

NASCA State Micro-Review: Colorado’s Employer of Choice Initiative

Colorado Governor Jared Polis tasked the State of Colorado’s Department of Personnel & Administration to make state government an Employer of Choice, allowing the...

40th anniversary of smallpox eradication

On this day, the 8th of May 1980, 40 years ago, smallpox was made history. It's the only human disease to be eradicated so...

Mental Health Film Prize of the Health for All Film Festival: “Knock on my...

Sham is a 25-year-old Syrian refugee who escaped from Syria after the war with her sister. She lives in a refugee camp where she...