Comment vous protéger contre le COVID-19

La COVID-19 est une maladie infectieuse causée par un nouveau coronavirus qui est passé pour la première fois chez l’homme. Ce virus se propage d’une...

Intoxicación por plomo: Cuatro cosas que debe saber sobre el plomo

El plomo es un metal tóxico cuyo uso generalizado ha causado una gran contaminación ambiental y problemas de salud en muchas partes del mundo....

Emergency Medical Teams help with post-explosion recovery in Beirut, Lebanon

“We got back on our feet, and decided to work and rebuild with whatever we have available.” - Marie, Chief Nurse at Beirut’s Quarantina...


安全血液拯救生命,但世界各地仍有许多人很少或根本无法获得输血服务。 这就是为什么献血者属于宝贵资源,也是为什么我们要在6月14日世界献血者日感谢他们。

First COVAX deliveries and campaigns begin

On 24 February Ghana became the first country to receive vaccines shipped and delivered by COVAX. Vaccination campaigns began the following week. Despite the...

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa

His Excellency President of South Africa and current Chairperson of the African Union, President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa address during the High Level Welcome...

We need health for peace and peace for health.

WHO's mission is: promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable. This means delivering #HealthForAll, everywhere, including in areas affected by war and...

WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19: Prolonged symptoms after COVID -19

Are you experiencing symptoms after recovery from COVID-19? WHO’s Dr Janet Diaz explains what we know so for about prolonged symptoms in Science in...

Is Santa Claus immune to COVID-19?

If a child in your life is worried that #SantaClaus 🎅 might not be able to travel and deliver presents 🎁 due to #COVID19,...


在COVID-19大流行期间,综合采取这5项旨在降低风险的预防措施,从而保护自己。 在此了解更多信息