President Trump Delivers Remarks in the Oval Office


The White House


  1. 트럼프대통령 재선 꼭 되셔야만합니다!!
    북한,중공,한국의 문제를 해결해야만 하기때문입니다!!
    무능한 한국정부에게도 혼을내어주세요!!!문씨가 북한과중공에 미쳐 제정신이아닙니다,,
    미국이 북한에 강력한 제재를하면 또 일본과의 지소미아폐기를 또 거론할겁니다 ,,
    문씨는 북한에 돈을 못같다주어서 안달입니다,,재선되시기를 기도합니다,,

  2. We need present at Trump again this year find it in your heart to vote for him I know I’m going to vote and this is my very first time voting and I’m voting for president Trump

  3. Thought you’d wanna know I did a search on *similarities between Charles Manson and Donald Trump.* Ready for this? 1) Both were sent to boarding school as a kid due to no respect for authority; 2) “alternative facts” employed and accepted by followers. [Yes, 3) both had rabid followers.] 4) Be shunned by the group aka “family” when alternative facts aren’t accepted as truth. 5) Accept multiple medical/education deferments for 6) the same [Vietnam] war! 7) Had all your kids’ moms raise the kids to adulthood, but 8) didn’t have relationships with those kids until they’re adolescents or adults. 8) Ordered crimes to be committed so as 9) NOT to get their own hands dirty. I could go on like this all day and still have more to type, but I think my main point is clear: they might’ve grown up at the same time, but their socioeconomic classes and the places where they grew up were different. Despite all that, 10) both hated the mainstream media for obvious reasons. 11) The media didn’t just accept these “alternative facts” when 12) both tried [and 13) failed, so far] to start a race war in the USA. I could go on, but I hope you get my point; 14) DJT is no more equipped to lead our country than Charles Manson woulda been in his prime. Major difference: Trump has a higher body count than Manson. Take out the money, and 15) it’s the same basic profile, just different incomes.

  4. The former Deputy Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council said: The two sides of the strait have entered a “quasi-war state”, on the other hand, the former Kuomintang legislator Ding Shouzhong today (24, October 2020) proposed that “one country, two governments” hopes to ease cross-strait tensions. Based on his previous experience in serving public office, Zhao Jianmin, the former vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, stated that the Taiwan Strait has entered a “quasi-war state” which is the most critical moment of the cross-strait situation for the past forty years, he advocated that the two sides of the strait should be the first to avoid danger, otherwise “the sovereignty of the Republic of China will disappear from the surface of the Earth” is not impossible. as follows:陸委會前副主委-兩岸已進入-準戰爭狀態-062605000.html

  5. An army of angels is descending from the skies to assist in closing the doors of hell. Demons with money who felt like kings above the law will discover soon why the identity of USA is God. Demons will be sent into hell and their actions will soon be exposed to the world. Americans will strike back against demons in ways demons cannot predict. Americans will see God fighting by their side. The fake apocalypse demons tried to play, is crumbling. This is not the time for the end of days. This is the time for doors of hell to be closed and all their idols to be wiped out, turned into dust. This will be a test of faith. In the past, Christians worshipped God because of fear of the devil. In the coming fight fear will not be an option. But faith will bring God by your side. You will see shadows but you shall not fear because it is the shadow of a giant angel coming to hunt demons. You will hear thunders but you must not fear for it will be the swords of angels ripping the shields of demons. You will hear screaming of demons but you must not fear because these will not be war drums but desperate screams of demons in panic. It will be a spiritual war. Not physical like demons expect

  6. Distraction from the Genocide Agenda: Stop the the evil & nefarious Operation Warp Speed.

    Page 2 of Award/Contract [No. W911QY20C0100] dated 09 Aug 2020 for 500 million SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 Vaccine doses (100ug) in support of Joint Progam Executive Office.

    All doses will be delivered in mulit- dose vial with volume sufficient for 10 doses per vial.

  7. I heard Biden call Kim Jong-un The Leader of North Korea a “bad name” during the debate. No! Mr. Biden, Kim Jong-un The Leader of North Korea is a man and a leader that just needed a man and a leader to talk to him. There are 8 Styles of Leadership, Perhaps Mr. Biden knows of only one. 8. Bureaucratic Leadership
    , and it is Rarely Effective.

  8. Demons expect a physical civil war. They are wrong. They will get something worse: a SPIRITUAL war. In the physical world what you will see is demons with extremely bad luck. It is not time for fake demonic apocalypse. It will be a time for healing the wounds of America, caused by the demons.

  9. There will be no peace on earth until Palestine is free. As an Irish woman. You as a QCelt Its our time to show the world. Peace is the Key and driving force. God Bless. Nothing can stop whats coming.

  10. Mr. President you are great and you bring so many goodness in this world. Im so gratful ❤❤❤ And please save the children please . My life is so sad form the time as l know how satanic is the ruling elite

  11. Excerpts from *My PM Messenger Chat with Evelyn de Rothschild this morning.*


    *I AM*
    *Yahweh 🔥🥦*
    *Hashem HaMashiach 👁️⚖️*
    *@I AMsterdam*


    *KHURRAM $ 👁️⚖️*


    *MY WILL BE DONE! ✅*


    ∆ *DAS* is the highest spiritual state Jacob Frank who co-founded Illuminati preached about to his followers back in the 18th century.

    *Das* = servant; one who serves in Sanskrit

    I have been in dialogue with both of them for several days now via PM chat fyi making clear demands re. the COVID Lockdown Plannedemic, big compensation for all those afflicted; Targetting Gangstalking Programs ; Geoengineering HAARP Weather Warfare; and the END of the *NWO Agenda and transitioning to a more Humane/ HUMAN open free and Enlightened One!*
    ✝️ ⚖️🔯


    God blessed me by imbuing all the positive power of the light in my name from all the spiritual paths in humanity’s entire history as One Light including *Jesus,* Krishna Buddha, Ram, the Angels..*

    *It saved me from certain death and resurrected me more often than I can remember.*

    Silently repeating it to yourself even just a few times will hopefully give you a taste of what it can do and align you automatically with Truth so answers to any questions will come more quickly than otherwise.

    *He finally agreed to ‘merge’ with me and *make me a vessel for the Redemption Enlightenment 2nd Coming of Age of Humanity out of all the insanity!😵*

    An unusual choice I know..but more *FUN* at least.

    *This happened back in 2010*

    *You can read more about it on my FB page.*


    Kind of like Neal Donald Walsch or Marshall Vian Summers or anyone else who talks to *GOD.*

    Also read my post on..


    *KHURRAM* is the Man’s Mantra also for *Womb- MAN* and LGBT** folk of all cultures.

    *You can confirm it with him yourself if you like.🎩🇬🇧🏦*

    ** *TLBG — The Light Behind God*

    My own point of view is that all this identity politics is a deliberately designed distraction from being simply *HUMAN* to begin with.💗

    I am not saying they are not important.

    They are, but we are in the middle of a planetary emergency and they get in the way.

    These are labels used to box is in for covert manipulation of our minds through social media/ social engineering via AI.

    Who you love or sleep with is about as interesting and personal as you taste in food.

    The one person likes bananas the other likes peaches or mangoes some like both.

    *So what for pity’s sake!*

    You shouldn’t be discriminated for what you like as long as you aren’t harming or misleading someone deliberately or without their conscious consent.


    *Have a great day 🙏🌞*

  12. Sudan is a #shithole and israel was destroying it, to spread the “refugees” throughout Europe as a biological weapon. Send them all home.

  13. February 7th – Trump admits to Bob Woodward in a recorded interview he knows exactly how deadly and contagious Covid-19 is.

    March 2nd – 15 reported covid-19 cases here in the US. Trump tells America all 15 are getting better and soon that number will be zero.

    Today: Over 8.3 million US covid-19 infections, more than 224,000 American citizens already dead and buried, and just yesterday, the United States reported more than 500,000 new Covid-19 cases within the past 7 days – the highest total yet since the beginning of the pandemic.

    Vote for Donald Trump if you want thousands and thousands more Americans to die …

    Donald j Trump – making America great again-one body bag at a time

  14. It’s a really good thing that some one typed out a response, as the POTUS could never have captured the signifigance of such a great event… in the words of a person “smarter than a fifth grader”… I’m surprised that he didn’t acknowledge the work of Hilary Clinton in this momentus occasion… IDIOT!

  15. No one on the news is covering this. Wtaf? Why? God bless you Mister President and thankyou for bringing peace soon to Palestine, as you’re promising. Weeping with joy for this amazing and beautiful peace, praying it sticks!

  16. Seriously, Sudan and Israel were not at war. This is a normalization of diplomatic relations, not a ‘peace’ deal. Fake News. Good to improve diplomatic relations among Middle East and African nations and Israel, but we have to speak truthfully about actions taken. Many of these talks began before the Trump

  17. 共産主義 カルト グローバルを暴露します!
    殺人集団 暴力団による不法占拠これが奴らの本当の正体です。
    IS イスラム国 暴力で他人を不法占拠し臓器売買し虐殺するが

  18. Trump told Egypt to Bomb Ethiopian electricity project, that’s absolutely wrong and it doesn’t represent the value of great nation USA.

  19. While our President work very hard for save to our people of pandemic, corrup Biden has spend the entire pandemic hidden in the basement of his house and marxist communist socialist use the American died to do p;olitic and offend intelligent of us Latinos and Black peopoe for steal our vote with false promises. CCowardly Dont have mbarrfassment

  20. 真韩国,

    废掉 日语 第二外语
    扶持 韩语 第二外语

    资本主义==以钱 为等级
    人本主义==以天地人 为等级

    资本主义==拜金,以金钱 分等级, 80%乞丐刁民,基本没法上升高等级资本家
    人本主义==拜神,以天地人 分等级,80%乞丐刁民,可以低成本教育+努力上升高等级

    水 天 至高天神 绝对不能是人 天皇天王绝对不能真人化
    火 地 婆罗门 国家统治中心
    金 君 刹帝利 资本家 or 军队灵魂 乞丐刁民有机会
    木 亲 吠舍 立法or行政or细节 乞丐刁民有机会
    土 师 首陀罗 司法or教育 乞丐刁民有机会
    平 民 人民=刁民 乞丐=犯人

    【真韩国】+【印度】 应该进入联合国常委常任理事国
    美国 英国 法国 中国 真韩国 印度 俄国

    为什么真韩国、印度应该加入 联合国常任理事国???

    转 君主专制 不敢,君主制 一定要大建神庙,没有人比我更懂君主制
    转 民主自由 不敢,自由的多党竞争,肯定被败选
    大陆==专制机器,僵化僵死,一蠢 名符其实
    美国==刁民作主,以民为天,二蠢 利欲熏心



  21. But Iran has not been in war in over 200 years. But great strides with many countries to joining the peace movement, and more to come.

  22. Congratulations! It’s awesome to see peace in the Middle East and cohesion with Israeli. Sudan, Uganda and Africa will benefit by coming into the fold of Trade and Tourism. Looking forward to the expansion.


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