The Importance of Being Candid



  1. Evil is so entrenched in everything, from a company of only 40 people all the way up to the highest office in the land, that it will take a miracle of all miracles from the Creator God Himself to reverse it. I do believe the numbers of people with good hearts greatly outnumbers those with hearts of stone, so freedom and kindness still has a fighting chance. Candor in these times is slapping metaphorical duct tape onto the mouths of those who communicate digitally. Activists are removed from video-sharing platforms, then from text-sharing platforms, so they create a website only to be shadowbanned in the search results. It is due time for an amendment to be added to our Constitution prohibiting the shadowbanning or expelling of anyone who uses any service over the world wide web. America may still have its freedoms, but we are living in literal digital tyranny where communication between people has been completely cut off. There is no “social” media…. only propaganda machines.

  2. It is a very interesting video.  Save in my memo, so I may search from the Whitehouse’s website, and watch in a tablet, for the fonts are extremely difficult to read, especially, if you have a small phone, with a small screen.  You can set your phone in a rotation mode, and watch it side way, it helps make the fonts a little larger to read. I can read in and out, due to my eyes were hurting. The subject is about the Chinese spies on anyone, around the world, regardless of who you are in the society. It also mentioned something about the elites. If anyone is able to read the entire of English version, please share the information. Thank you.

  3. In fact this video is a calling to the Chinese people to solve their problem inside China 🙂
    I hope that this video will penetrate the Chinese firewall and that will give courage to those who understand the severity of the problems that the CCP has cover up and perpetuated over years.
    I’m very happy to have watched this video, this means that WW3 will not be taken in consideration.
    I’m pretty sure that Chinese will solve their internal problems soon.
    Yes, I know how Chinese institutions are focused on TROLLING the free minds that stand for freedom, I’m fighting this trash for years now.
    This man speaks Chinese even better then Chinese them self LOOL 🙂

    Trump 2020-2040+++

  4. I agree with you on revealing CCP’s obsession of having everything/everybody under control. Are you sure CIA is not behind the Xinjiang riots and crackdown? What do you think of the reaction of France on the beheading of an ordinary teacher?

  5. The End justifies Means. Communist. The Means justifies the End. Democracy. Freedom and Choice. Means. Control.Law and Order to the End. Do you believe in God? Do you not believe in God? To What End? By What Means? Future always changing….but some things never change. To What End? By What Means? Freedom and Choice…..for there is No End. It’s beyond your control and no Law exists of man to control the future. Freedoms price is eternal Vigilance. We must be flexible and realize we will not always agree…many roads to take….we must have…….Freedom and Choice. Democracy! Think for yourself…..or have others do all your thinking for you. Communism. Lie heaped upon Lie! We know Better! Sounds like the media…..doesn’t it. Freedom and Choice doesn’t exist….we are talked down to. Soundbites of misinformation or sensation. Truth being one sided..agenda pushing. Misinformation leads to speculation which increases the aggravation. Divide and Conquer. Thought Police. Thoughts become words. Words become deeds. Control Thoughts! Indoctrination. See? Says the Blindman.

  6. Games People Play! Alan Parsons. Honor Bright! Democracy’s greatest strength is her History! The Good…The Bad and the Ugly! Communist always rewriting it…omitting it…Half truth..Half lie. Xi just celebrated the Korean War…as it was being invaded by the South. See? Says the blindman. For it was the North that invaded..with Soviets equipment and advice….China didn’t get involved till later as the UN pushed the N.Koreans past the 38th. North to complete Victory! China invaded….hundreds of thousands..human waves many without weapons! Many died. Korea paid the heaviest price. And the World. Armistice signed. No End. In Sight…….At night! The peninsula..There is a dark north..and a south full of light. Ying/Yang China celebrates! We Honor. There is a difference.

  7. Trump is the swamp – How Trump Maneuvered His Way Out of Trouble in Chicago. When his tower proved a disappointment, Donald Trump defaulted on his loans, sued his bank, got much of the debt forgiven — and largely avoided taxes on it.

  8. I don’t see why people make President Trump look like a monster. He’s been a blessing in disguise for me, personally. Before Trump became president, I was on government assistance, food stamps, low income family. Now I’m making a nice salary—-I’m motivated like never before. My 19 year old got accepted in a top medical program in the Army. My 18 year old plays in the high school orchestra and plans to travel abroad after graduating 2021. I’m working from home and able to focus on my youngest son who has autism—-even though he’s on the higher spectrum and a genius… it can be overwhelming because I have to teach him in unique ways. Overall, from what I see… things drastically improved in my life. I no longer feel like a victim. Everyday I seek new ways to keep myself afloat productively. All this race wars is unnecessary because let’s face it——every race has within its own a bad batch. The key is to gather the good from all groups and make America great again. It’s very possible if we learn from our own deficiencies and improve as individuals. Collectively we have more power than a nation divided and I hope we can overcome our indifference with compassion. 💚

  9. Why was the world better during the cold war?. For someone that used to wear the uniform it is difficult to say but it seems the more dominant the US is in the world the worse this nation and the world becomes. I wouldn’t be to the quick to dismiss the most tragic circumstances of the past decade as pure circumstance. If this new world order is because obama didn’t know how to deal with a few of cheney space based wet jobs gone bad and he let this nation get covertly overthrown and slaughtered by the DOD may God show them the mercy they never showed us. These DOD pigs gone wild justify every worsening week because of the week before over and over again. They have no idea how to restrain themselves. Now go burry this biblical trash.

  10. Youtube is blocked in China, so by posting the video here rather than Weibo (and you know you can’t), you’re really just speaking to a tiny crop of Chinese natives who bothered to go great length to visit this platform that’s flooded with animosity, disinformation and straight racism toward them, likely with a particular agenda in mind. For the common Chinese folks, why all the pain just to get the same decades old Falun Gong-ish, ideology-filled rhetoric at all? Thank you Mr. Pottinger for the effort but really, wrong time, wrong place, wrong content, it’s futile – or maybe this is NOT intended for the Chinese audience after all.

  11. “The great paradox of institutionalized evil is that it can be enormously powerful but also enormously fragile. Thus, it is compulsively aggressive and ultimately self-destructive.” Well put ! Wonder who it’s about though just by the phase itself.

  12. 2020 election is Capitalism VS Maxism Corrupt Joe his weakness make him and intrument of marxist Our families are danger Our freedom is in danger Our democracy is in danger

  13. 你的汉语非常标准!我实实在在希望后来我说法这么顺利。我大陆朋友们都需要看这个信息。

  14. The idioms and sentences in Chinese which your used are so terrific and wonderful ! The lecture is excellent. Thank you Mr. Pottinger! Keep doing that!

  15. This is impressive. I need to learn more languages… listening to him speak is inspiring. And people who know other languages are usually, if not always, highly intelligent.

  16. 全靠你一张嘴bb呢,对中国共产党的指控全部基于推测?杜撰?捏造?美国真正的英雄,揭露美国罪恶棱镜计划的斯诺登还滞留在俄罗斯回不了他的家。省省吧170多万的订阅,5天就不到两万播放量,你以为真的有人在乎你放了个什么屁?😂

  17. 廢話一堆,你自問美國為何要在全世界,佈那麼多兵力?美國要其他國家認同他的所謂民主,破壞多少家庭、殺害多少生命?

  18. “The Great Awakening” is no longer just a new age concept without a significant threshold, but is actually happening with the disconnect from politics, politicians and corrupt individuals who have no true sense of reality; caught up in their old fantasies and delusions like the Democratic party who can’t ever “do it right” like their pathetically amateur and petty odd “rallies” – to the return of reason, morality, awareness, humanity, intelligence, and a rational sense that’s becoming more common among those who are good hearted and guided by God, be He Glorified, the All-Knowing, Most Wise, like the wonderfully spirited, planned and executed events that the Trump administration puts on, along with everyone’s demeanor, and who can now clearly see the difference, God willing.

    “Division” is normally viewed as negative, but the separation of good and evil is inevitable; it’s just becoming more visible, despite some subjectivity between the threshold. And flattery or insincerity doesn’t prevent that, it only delays it while the wrongness of it can still be felt. Those who value hedonism, ego, profit, control, power, or anything else that never leaves this world, besides their deeds and souls, while sacrificing their conscience, are doomed to fail, be humiliated and suffer, no matter what they temporarily managed to get away with. Nor is the pursuit of profit or power inherently wrong. While those who value humanity, righteousness, principle, morals, discussion, peace, logic, and reason, and whom reverence our Creator for the innumerable gifts He’s given us, will be protected by the All-Mighty, God willing, even if He chooses some to be martyred. Nor should good people fear anything but the Glorious, Master of the Day of Judgement, doer of what He wills.

    May God guide us and protect us, and may He punish the wicked. Make your choice, God willing. Good or evil, God or idolatry, freedom or communism, humanity or oppression, happiness or suffering, knowledge or ignorance, reality or delusion, conscience or no conscience. And all of those apply the the person who’s choosing, not just the people they may benefit or harm.

    Don’t let ego dilute the quality of your work as it always will. Arch Angel Michael is highly capable and mighty without arrogance and while being under God.

    God willing, the Most Forgiving.

    Peace be upon you. – The wannabe Mahdi who would never claim such a title.

  19. Maybe part of that is fact, at least from an American politician perspective.
    But, for Normal People (Not professional Politician or Liars) in a country, a higher quality of life is the First Wanted :), with more income from meaningful work, larger house for families, more travelling around the world each year, safer environment and better education for next-gen.

  20. 博明呀,真难为你这个中国通了。用中国语言,分化瓦解中国。您是真傻还是假傻?不过,我看底下的中文留言,还有部分中国人吃你这这一套。你不知道大数据档案,都是中国向你美国学的吗?哈哈。。。。你们的反洗钱系统,黑名单制度,都是干这个事的。平时反腐败,关键时时制裁他国的武器。我们的孟晚舟就是这样中了你们美国的道儿。你的这些话,很生涩。美国人分化瓦解中国,已经用来上了师中长技以制中的道路了。中国的盛世,以此为标志。博明,是开此风气之先者。

  21. ❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲❤️🇺🇲
    My President Donald TRUMP.

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