COVID In Colorado: Gov. Jared Polis Receives First Dose Of Vaccine


Gov. Jared Polis received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday.


  1. For more than a month, Sweden has had almost no deaths from COVID-19 while the entire society remains open and almost no one wears masks. (In Holland, too, almost no one wears masks.) For all intents and purposes, the virus is over in Sweden.

    The lockdown is a crime. There eventually has to be some serious justice arranged for what all these virus Nazis have done to their citizens and communities. They have to be held accountable for the great suffering and loss of lives they caused and the severe abuse of their positions meant to serve, rather than to lord it over the citizens. There must be crimes against humanity and other criminal charges laid in many instances, and some of these people put away in jail for a long time.

  2. let’s see, I’m over 55, I have a compromised immune system, 30+ years HIV+, asthma, disabled, and I still can’t get the shot. None of my providers can give me any information as to where or when I can get the shot. I’ve been told to seek out any resource and get signed up. but none of those are ”taking new appointments”. Happy Covid !!


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