President Trump visits Marinette Marine in Wisconsin



  1. IT’S TRUE,,, WHITE SILENCE IS THE PROBLEM… HERE’S THE TRUTH! It’s time for this conversation and it’s way the hell past time to start holding all the msm and government, all the way to the WHITE HOUSE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR LIES AND SILENCE! About who is really committing the crime and racist attacks in America.

  2. I believe the only reason Dem Soc Party have been somewhat affective in their oppressive efforts AGAINST U S A is GOP Office hold ers are assisting by bad acts or omissions when they should step up! Must K A G!!!!!

    Dear FPOTUS O, question: What happens when you chose the “JV Team” and when falling apart, you choose a new “JV Team” to fix what never existed?
    Answer: LOL (loss Of Legacy).

  3. Since the 1990s, CCP has placed its Gestapo in Chinese embassies and consulates around the world, in every country.
    CCP still espionage from its embassies and consulates, controlling overseas Chinese and their puppets. (ck it out)
    Chinese students who came to the West et al after 1980 are controlled by CCP via. its Gestapo.

  4. McEnany did not deny the veracity of the report about the Russian bounty, but claimed that top intelligence officials say neither Trump nor Pence were told about it. She trashed the New York Times for reporting that Trump was briefed. The story cited unnamed officials. “This does not speak to the merit of the intelligence but the inaccuracy of the New York Times,” she said in a statement.

    They are not denying this at all, so it is true. McEnany claims that Trump or Pence did not know. They were supposedly not made aware, and thus did not know of the BOUNTY PUTIN PLACED ON AMERICAN SOLDIERS DEATHS. Who are they trying to kid here? How could Trump not have known?

  5. Hotcool = Dear Mr. President T & Mr. Vice –President P you are getting closer to being a target of hate of the antisocial-s or violent-sociopaths. (Without good intentions or direction) = Please be safe-smart and help the Law keep USA safe and the world= good luck=peace to all= please no ww3= thank you
    Hotcool = HIV-AIDS –condoms = COVID 19 – FaceMask etc.= thank you

    Hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people) greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life = have you ever see holy ghost fights in the religions section in any library ??????=we human are smart animals = there are some evidence suggesting (could be trauma due to COVID 19 ) delusional thinking base anger and hate due to not accepting DEATH IS A FACT OF LIFE and SOME TIME MEDICINE and PREVENTIVE MEASSURE CAN CURE/ HELP ?/? = ln / out group psycho pathology +etc.=criminology =faith .power. money and etc. can be miss used to abuse vulnerable even to violate basic human right (peace of mind etc.)=fear of COVID 19 is a virus= NOT BIG EVIL?/? (HUMAN ERROR) -> (can be corrected –truthful-friendly-smile and toffee) =?/?= pleas be smart safe=GOD(S) speed= in god(s) we trust = heal USA AND THE WORLD = NO WW3 please= om truthful Buddha shanthi-shakthi om = thank you

    Hotcool = according to Dr. Sigmund Freud CLASHES between human cognitive phenomena ( thought processors) such as super-Ego; [ blind faith ( thought processors only but no Deity – extremely righteous – denial of HUMAN of anatomy etc.)] and the Ed ( hyper Basic-Needy drive or greedy drive rtc.)] that Ego cannot satisfy( find answers due to not knowing – social values or drug abuse and Etc.) create unconscious psychological pathologies directional to antisocial behavior = out bursts without reasoning or positive goal achievements.= thank you Dr,

    Thank you for teaching me
    Faithful student
    Gihan Panditha

  6. 💕 President Donald J.Trump:   In your mission and duty and honor may you always remember that you were born of love. The entire world is with you sharing the load. We are all your family. Feel blessed to be apart of all the gifts you share with us, the Q’s, the hints, the facts, the images, the heart breaking realities. The truth makes us unite. Remembering distracted values. Wars, misdirections and distractions divided us but now you move us all closer together uniting naturally. The entire world is with you, sharing the load. We love you. We are all supporting you. Your Patriotic Team is making the world great again. In Jesus mighty name we pray … Amen. God bless you Sir, God bless America, God bless the world. WWG1WGA  world × wide!! 💕

  7. Dear President Donald Trump and First Lady Melanie Trump, all your grown children & their spouses, their children ( your grands), and your handsome son Barron I wish you all G-d’s blessing and protection! I was reflecting on the wonderful gift you gave this country last year as you honored all the branches of the military from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial! I could recall listening to the Rev. Martin Luther King, as my parents, my three brothers, myself and my baby sister as we gathered around our radio ( it would be another 6 years before we had a TV) and listened to Rev. King deliver his speech, I HAVE A DREAM! Last year your beautiful presentation honoring the military was very stirring to me. My dad served in the Army chaplaincy, in Hawaii, his brother, my Uncle Willie, was an Army Paratrooper , when he returned he was an NYPD Beat Officer for the next 30 years, he and his partner got a patrol car during their last 5 years, my youngest Uncle Thomas, was an Army machine gunner, killed at the age of 19 and is buried in France. My beloved oldest cousin was ROTC Army all through his Fordham college years, he married and was the father of 3 sons & 1 daughter. He was deployed to Vietnam twice. Army intelligence. When he retired after 30 years he lived near Ft. Monroe, VA and worked as a civilian, in intelligence. So last year, listening to you, President Trump was like listening to all these men I loved. Thank you for your love of this nation of ours!


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